

A rare etruscan agate intaglio set in an ancient massive gold ring. Silenus.

5th century B.C.

intaglio : 6 x 9 mm ring : 15 x 14 mm 16, 02 gr.

The figure is in the “Knielauf” position and turned on the left. Groundline.Cable border. The mounting is a plain broad hoop, rounded without, flat within and ending on either side with female head characaterized by an archaic style with large almond eyes. The heads are supporting the almond-shaped bezel set with the agate intaglio and decorated with incised short braided lines. This ring typology is typical archaic greek (Boardman, 1967) yet the style and production of this example is etruscan as well as the intaglio execution. The form of the ring is referrable to the “lion ring” type conserved in the British Museum, London. The use of the ring with “cartridge” or with engraved stone as stamp-seal, becomes very widespread in the middle of the 6th century B.C., and often represents single figures; real or fantastic animals, or complex scenes. Very fine and rare specimen.

Parallels : F. Marshall, 1968, pl. VIII, n° 300; Metropolitan Museum, NY, inv.40.11.16; Cristofani,Martelli, L'Oro degli Etruschi, 1985, p.56, fig. 10.

U.K. private collection 1985. Formerly in Arthur Sambon (1867-1947) collection.

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